Yesterday TV had a quite surprisingly report about the longest bus trip in Europe. From Germany about Austria the busses hit finally the Turkish border – almost 2.650 km. The report in Abenteuer Leben/KabelEins titled „bustrip for hard-boiled travellers“ , selling the trip as something completely extraordinary.
1986 as a student and on my fourth trip to Brazil I took the bus from Rio de Janeiro to Recife. Almost 40 hours on the road I spent about 3 days along 2350 km. Nowadays, this long distance busses are still working and used to be a very common and first and foremost working (!) public transport throughout Brazil. Did you ever try to get ahead and pass one of them? Using a speed of about more than 100 km/hour under „Brazilian conditions“, this giants of the road are almost invincible.
(Source: Packtours )
Taking the example in Abenteuer Leben – of course in Brazil noone would think about something extraordinary. Look at the following schedule – an even three times longer trip. Starting at Porto Alegre in the South towards Sao Paulo (1150 km), Sao Paulo – Rio de Janeiro (430 km), Rio de Janeiro – Recife (2400 km), Recife – Fortaleza (844 km), Fortaleza – Sao Luis (1070 km), and finally towards Belem in the North (810 km), the whole trip takes 6704 km and about 5 days. And I am afraid there are even longer ones.