Brazil could overtake Italy economically



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According to an announcement of the IBGE, the Brazilian statistical authority, on march 4th, the GDP increased 7,5% in 2010. This is the biggest economic growth in one year since 1985. Brasil could outperform Italy and take the seventh place in the ranking of the world biggest economies. The actual Italian figures are expected at the beginning of April.

This figures also lead to some preoccupation about inflationary tendencies and are seen as effects of economical overheating. With a massive control of the monetary policies, the Brazilian Central Bank achieved already results to reduce this thread, gaining smaller growth rates in the Q4/2010, and a continuing decrease in 2011. Actual figures expect an economic growth target of about 4% for Q1/2011. It is expected, that this will reduce inflation danger – measured recently up to 6,7% – substantially.

China announces import tax reduction



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Import tax load is an important parameter for foreign companies to decide wether to enter a foreign market or not. Often used to protect the national economic sectors, is also has to be seen as an critical parameter in the competition between the BRIC states for new technologies and investors.

Recently China announced (article), that it intends to reduce the import tax level for several high tech products to open the markets for worldwide investors. Named reasons were

  • a reduction of the critical export dependence
  • a massiv support for the domestic demand (chinese households deliver only 35% of the GDP in 2009)

To the contrary, some weeks ago, the Brazilian secretary of trade announced, that it is intended to increase import taxes in Brazil for luxury goods to 35%.

How will the chinese regulatory changes affect the behaviour of the other BRIC states, namely Brazil?




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