Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2015



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Dear customers and followers. We are aware that choosing a consultancy firm is a matter of confidence, trust and “feeling well” – we see your ongoing support as a challenge and empowerment to continue in our way of doing international operations –  “BE SMART, THINK DIFFERENT” .

© Gabriel de Paiva, Weihnachtsbaum Bradesco in Rio de Janeiro, Quelle: Bradesco Seguro

We thank you for your confidence and trust in 2014 and your ongoing activities in 2015.  Have fun !

The team at KOENINGER & PARTNER International Business Development

BWI Unternehmensdelegation nach Chile und Brasilien (20.04.-28.04.2015)



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Baden Württemberg International (BWI)und das Wirtschaftsministerium von Baden-Württemberg organisieren gemeinsam eine Delegationsreise für interessierte Unternehmen nach CHILE (Santiago) und BRASILIEN (Sao Paulo und Rio de Janeiro). Die Zielsektoren sind Maschinenbau, Automation, Fertigungsindustrie und Informationstechnolgie.

Dieses Event ist eine hervorragende Gelegenheit um bestehende Kontakte und Netzwerke zu pflegen und neue zu gewinnen – oder – um sich eine ersten Eindruck dieses enormen südamerikanischen Marktes zu verschaffen. Die Teilnahme an lokalen Kontakt- und Kooperationsbörsen ist wie immer selbstverständlich.

Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie hier (

65th Latin American Day 2014



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Please find enclosed a short video summary (see more). Major topics on this international event were especially the South American markets of Chile and Paraguay. For further information please use our contact details.

Expected ambiental scandal along the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro 2016



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The scandal of the polluted Guanbara Bay has a coming out now. Multiresistent bacteria were found in the sewage water flowing from the old Rio Carioca directly into Guanbara Bay near Flamengo Beach – one of the declared olympic sailing areas (read more in BBC, The Telegraph and Reuters). Of course one can argue about the origin of the pollution. In the adjacent parts of the city Laranjeiras and Botafogo we find lots of hospitals.

In Aug 2014, some officials described the pollution not as dangerous and the water quality as more or less the same as in other comparable locations (read more).

But the real scandal is not the severe danger for health to the Olympics. Its rather the fact that the majorality of Rio de Janeiro knew about this problem for much more than a decade. On Flamengo Beach, a lot of families and little children having a good time on weekends, swiming, playing, etc. This situation seems to reflect again the exotic mindset of many officials – a combination of arrogance, disrespect, thoughtlessness and asininity.

In mid 2014, Eduardo Paes already announced (read more), that the ambicious targets towards a clean bay could (probably) not be held. Lets have a look in 2015 what other developments will take place.
Exit of RIO CARIOCA near Flamengo Beach.

New port area – a new aspect



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Please have a look at the following video, which gives a nice view of the Museo do Amanha and the local port area after the demolition of the Perimetral city highway. Some more comments on the new vision of this old urban part are found at O Globo – in Portguese.

The PETROBRAS crisis



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Following the newspapers and journals the last weeks, the actual situation at PETROBRAS – one of the largest Brazilian companies – is still getting worse. After the arrest of leading managers of PETROBRAS and major Brazilian building companies (NZZ_15.11.2014), a new article from Alexander Busch describes now the actual situation and new developments. The article – published yesterday (NZZ_21.11.2014) – draws an insightful overview.

As PETROBRAS also has a very strong influence on the BOVESPA (stock index Sao Paulo), the crisis has the potential to damage the Brazilian economy in a very serious way, due to severe side effects. On the other hand one could argue that finally after this coming out, the things can only get better – representing new business opportunities for foreign companies. But this will only happen, when the crisis management will be improved, forced by internal OR even external activities (as we can read in the article).




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As a regular visitor and „almost“ citizen of Rio de Janeiro, I was very interested about the trail of the new „Transcarioca“ bus line, connecting the Olympic City in Barra da Tijuca with the „Galeao“ – Antonio Carlos Jobim International Airport. To tell the truth, I had no idea about the correct trail. The video behind the link gives a very good insight into the road line with of length of approx. 39 km and also the dimension of the city, crossing parts a regular tourist does not take into account.

Of course one could ask why not use a train or metro to connect this urban regions, givin‘ the city a new innovative perspective. In fact a metro connection to the airport would be very useful. Maybe one day the public transport lobby can be convinced towards new solutions… using the present bus basement to install some kind of „trem-sinho“, which is already part of the plans of the New Harbour District in Rio. Some talk about a rebirth of the old harbour area – maybe justified.

Implications of Brazilian Election Result to Automotive Industry



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After the Brazilian elections one argued about side effects on Brazilian economy – at least to some sectors. That it not necessarily must be negative outlines a report recently published („Re-election guarantees support to carmakers“).

The main topic of this article is an initiative of the Brazilian government called INOVAR-AUTO, which supports companies producing and selling automotive technology in Brazil. The main benefit is an tax reduction up to 30% of IPI (tax on industrial prodcuts).

Dilma Rousseff won second round of voting



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After the second round of voting on Sunday Oct 26th, Dilma Rousseff (PT) has won her second legislative period. Having a look at the results in different regions, we find a clear support in the Northern and Northeastern parts of Brazil. This isn’t a surprise, rather an result of her politics, supporting the poor. Nevertheless it was a really close run (Dilma 51,6%, Aécio 48,4%) and one get’s the impression, that she beginning to understand the voter’s message – maybe under support by Lula.