Source: Alexander Koeninger, 2011
Sustainable and energy efficient building is an often discussed topic and of general interest in the Brazilian construction industry and the public sphere. In particular for gaining a certificate according to LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) or Aqua (Alta Qualidade Ambiental) the number of applications between 2009 and 2010 increased to 75%. Nowadays, Brazil is ranking on place 4 (!) worldwide with 371 buildings in the certification process.
Baden-Württemberg International, Handwerk International Baden-Württemberg and the Ministry of Economics and Finance of Baden-Württemberg are organizing an official business trip with representatives of German companies of Baden-Württemberg. The visit from 15.-24.04.2012 will include Curitiba, São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro.
This trip is an excellent opportunity and platform for companies in the area of building and construction to present their products and services to an interested Brazilian attendance. Application can be done til 29.02.2012. Read more about about the trip and details for applying.